105 - A Townhouse Hotel í Reykjavík

Ísland105 - A Townhouse Hotel


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1, Háteigsvegur, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 690 7800
website: 105hotel.is
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1398564, Longitude: -21.9152117

athugasemdir 5

  • A Y

    A Y


    The design for this hotel was nice, although on the small side. The only gripe I have is the no doors on the showers did create a problem when showing, water is everywhere. The ventilation was also lacking, I found it quite hot and the windows were too small. On the other hand, service was good and efficient. I had a sim card sent directly to the hotel but it was nowhere to be found. The Soley amenities were superb and very herbal. There was parking all the time so that was great. Internet was good as well. Very comfortable bed as well. Pity it doesn't offer any kind of breakfast and one day my dishes weren't cleaned or changed. There was always spare towels and toilet paper in the hallway so that was good.

  • en

    Payton Ransom


    Very clean amenities, modern look, and only a 15 minute walk from the downtown area. The receptionist was also very nice! Coffee, tea, milk, and sugar were well stocked also. The dishes were very nice and the room even has an oven, stove, and dishwasher! Thoroughly enjoyed our stay here!

  • Sally Ouyang

    Sally Ouyang


    Love the accommodation here! Super easy and fast check in! Free parking and close to everything! The room is beautifully designed and decorated. It includes a mini kitchen, equipped with a fridge, stovetop, pots and pans, dishes, dishwasher, sink, and water boiler! It also has free tea and coffee!

  • en

    Vasos Roumbas


    By far the best hotel I’ve stayed at. King size bed, amazing shower, huge TV, it even has a French presser for filter coffee (coffee included!). Very easy to check in, next to the town and restaurants. Modern and Classy. If you ever come to Reykjavik, make sure you stay here!

  • es

    Eder Chavez


    Excelente lugar, no hay recepción después de las 7 y todo se hace por medio de un teléfono, la verdad es que no tuvimos problema. Es nuevo y los muebles muy bien. Hay estacionamiento atrás, y la ubicación para caminar es muy buena.

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