Aurora Guesthouse í Reykjavík

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

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ÍslandAurora Guesthouse


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24, Freyjugata, 101, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 552 5515
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1420859, Longitude: -21.9307548

athugasemdir 5

  • Nicola R

    Nicola R


    It's a bed in a decent location and they do breakfast. Our room was in a basement so on top of noise from rooms above the sounds from the road made it almost impossible to get a good night's rest. Also they don't clean anything until you check out (bins unemptied, no paper towels or toilet paper until you ask). Breakfast was pretty good.

  • Stefan Walter

    Stefan Walter


    - we booked a double bed, but we got a two bedroom - we couldn't close the window in the room - the bed was too soft - the window in the bathroom was not closeable too - the room was next to a street, so we had some traffic noise - very bad WiFi-connection in our room in the brown house - we arrived at ca. 11 pm and the reception was only reachable via telephone. So far no problem, but when asking for parking spaces, the reception-guy answered shortly and hung up instantly We paid more than 100 Euro for one night, so we expected more service. Breakfast was ok. The rooms were clean.

  • balaji krishnamoorthy

    balaji krishnamoorthy


    Location : Right next to Hallgrímskirkja Church , 2 minutes walk Parking : Plenty of Off street Parking Free Room : Ambiance : Basic Cleanliness : Very clean Comfort : Nice bed , Probably decent sized pillows? Wife : Good Shared Bathroom : Cleanliness : Clean Bathroom can get busy at times as it is shared but it worked fine for us as we left a bit early Breakfast : Good continental option Kitchen : There is a small kitchen area if you prefer cooking your own dinner Coffee/Tea - 24 hours available Staff : You wont see them around much but they are available when needed

  • Nevia Marro

    Nevia Marro


    Accogliente e funzionale. Camere un pò strette ma ci si adatta perché sono molto calde. Buona la colazione, ma la posizione e ciò che la rende speciale. Consigliatissimo!

  • en

    Katie Thies


    We stayed in one of the apartments offered at Aurora. At first glance it looked pretty nice we had our own bathroom and little kitchen but we did not enjoy our stay here at all, in fact it was so bad we stayed somewhere else the second night we were supposed to stay there. The bed was extremely uncomfortable and tiny for two people to share, not to mention at 5ft 8 my feet were hanging off the edge of the bed. The doors are extremely hard to lock and open. The water smells gross, after taking a shower you will smell like a fart. The location is on a very busy street corner which is fine except it is not even a little bit sound proof even when someone walks by without talking it echoed through the room and woke us. The staff were nice and helpful so they get a thumbs up but the facilities are not good.

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