Base Hotel í Reykjanesbær

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

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ÍslandBase Hotel


engar upplýsingar

🕗 opnunartími

756-757, Valhallarbraut, Reykjanesbær, IS Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 519 1300
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.9749235, Longitude: -22.5744526

athugasemdir 5

  • Diana Joan Nazziwa

    Diana Joan Nazziwa


    Best library for you to unwind. Amazing good. Cheapest bar in Iceland! Gratitude for the prices at $44 (American) with other women. Up to 4. Kitchen to cook. Fridge to store food. Places to see the northern lights! It's AMAZING!!!

  • ru

    Юрий Гулько


    Друзья, всем Привет!!!! Мне очень здесь понравилось. Чистое постельное бельё в номере и в ванной комнате тоже все оченьь чисто! Очень приятный персонал! Однозначно - рекомендую !!!!!! Friends, Hello everyone !!!! I really liked it here. Clean bed linen in the room and in the bathroom is also very clean! Very nice staff! Definitely - I recommend !!!!!!

  • en

    Maria Arcuri


    Arrived early morning and was greeted by two wonderful hostess's. We were in early but they were nice enough to accommodate us and get us checked in earlier than usual. The room and shared bathroom was clean, and was cleaned daily. All staff was pleasant and friendly. This was my first time Hostel experience. I liked being outside of Reykjavik. I will be back to stay here again in the very near future!

  • en

    Scott Hangauer


    This is great place to stay near the airport for the money. Our room was pretty big and we shared a bathroom with another singe room. The shared kitchen was well appointed and had what we needed to prepare meals. There are two grocery stores nearby. I was pleasantly surprised by the whole experience and will definitely stay again if I'm in the area.

  • Chris Quackenbush

    Chris Quackenbush


    This is a perfectly convenient dormitory style hostel. I had a private bedroom in a suite which shared a toilet and shower with another guest. We had a heavy locked door to the hallway and each of the bedrooms also had a locked door. Our schedule didn't conflict with the other guest, but I can imagine having shower conflicts if both rooms wanted to use the shared bathroom at similar times. There was a shared kitchen which had many cups, mugs, plates, and bowls available. There are no shops in the area near this hostel. The reception area had some snacks and refreshments, but these are outrageously expensive. Better to stock up in a super market before arriving. The hotel offers hourly airport shuttles and the distance to the terminal is about 8 minutes. A ticket is Kr. 600 per person.

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