BGB Guesthouse í Keflavík

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

staðfest mál




ÍslandBGB Guesthouse


engar upplýsingar

🕗 opnunartími

58, Hafnargata, Keflavík, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 588 5758
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.0003846, Longitude: -22.5505318

athugasemdir 5

  • Beng Reyes

    Beng Reyes


    So clean, well maintained and the hosts were super nice! Could've had better heating in the living room though, for watching TV, but otherwise, it made our stay very pleasant! The location might be 40 minutes from Reykjavik, but I liked the tranquility and proximity to the water.. After a tour of the city or the falls, you come " home", relax, cook if you want. The supermarket is a stone's throw away, plus lots of food places - a Thai restaurant, a diner, Domino's, etc. Will definitely stay again!

  • Enrisa Reyes

    Enrisa Reyes


    It's very close to a 24/7 supermarket and restaurants, good parking, very clean and spacious, and the hosts made sure we were comfortable. We stayed four nights, and at some point one of the graduates broke down but they immediately got someone to fix it. Would come back and recommend!!

  • fr

    alice Barra


    Chambre confortable, espace commun simple bon rapport qualité/prix. Il y a ce qu'il faut pour le prix. La fenêtre été cassé dans la chambre donc un peu froid, la propreté pas toujours au rdv dans la salle de bain.

  • en

    Marion Studhalter


    Very nice guest house and very nice host! Fluent in English and very helpful with getting around the area. We very appreciated the ride back to the Airport! Very close to the air about about a 2500kr taxi ride so not bad! Also has everything you need and the grocery store is right across the street. We made sandwiches and left the delis in the fridge.

  • Clare Kaseter

    Clare Kaseter


    Good value for a place to stay near REF airport. Definitely needed a car to get around for site seeing. The owner was very nice. Room was clean, comfortable, and very quiet. Has 2 shared bathrooms which was clean. Kitchen has a microwave, toaster, fridge, and sandwich maker. We took advantage of the 24 hour grocery store across the street to buy food to make to help save money. Good stay overall.

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