Camping Selfoss í Selfoss

ÍslandCamping Selfoss


engar upplýsingar

🕗 opnunartími

Engjavegur, Selfoss, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.933043, Longitude: -20.9887947

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Meritxell Cid G


    Perfect. There was a shared kitchen and you have to take your shoes off. There were also oil, salt, sugar and some other things you could need to cook. You can wash the dishes there. There was WC and shower, so clean.

  • Chia Joel

    Chia Joel


    Great huge campsite with ample camping spaces both for tents only and for cars or camper vans as well. Kitchen was well equipped with proper induction stoves, microwave, kettle, hot water dispenser. Toilets were free, but don't expect much though. Nice area in the pantry with benches and tables for communal dining but quite a small space given the amount of campers on site, could definitely work on that. in the night, this space is just crowded with all sorts of campers and it's noisy, people playing cards, charging their stuff, drinking. 3000 ISK for two pax tent and a car. Best to stock up at this area as it's quite far from main town, but there is leftover stuff you can use from previous campers. Also a nice small pond/lake for swimming if you're up for it nearby the kitchen.

  • Steven Spence

    Steven Spence


    This was the best winter campground I had in Iceland. There is a nice large room for campers, a cooking area, and decent showers/bathrooms. Well worth using as a base to explore this part of Iceland in the winter. I know there are more options in other seasons but this one was my favorite in South, Southwest, and Western Iceland (March 2018).

  • Jaione Ayerra

    Jaione Ayerra


    Very nice place to stay with a campervan. It has all the facilities you need.

  • Matt Clarke

    Matt Clarke


    Great campsite, the kitchen area was VERY useful and the showers were great. We were disappointed that the hot tubs were not operational and also I was charged a different price both times we stayed here (3000 on the Monday, 3200 on a Thursday.. for two of us).

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