DIVE.IS - PADI 5 Star Dive Center Iceland í Reykjavík

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ÍslandDIVE.IS - PADI 5 Star Dive Center Iceland



🕗 opnunartími

2, Hólmaslóð, 101, Reykjavík, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 578 6200
website: www.dive.is
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.157132, Longitude: -21.939965

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    sonja leahy


    This was an amazing experience, snorkeling between the tectonic plates! I have to admit I was a little skeptacle at first. Walking into 1 degree Celsius water really didn't seem appealing, but the dry suits kept us warm. We were emailed pictures afterwards which was great since we didn't have to fiddle around with a camera and were able to take in the environment uninterrupted. I highly recommend this tour for a unique experience. Not many people can say they've snorkeled in Iceland let alone in between 2 tectonic plates.

  • en

    Deb Dusseau


    We had Clarence as our snorkel instructor and I cannot recommend him highly enough!! The whole experience was super fun, seamless and professionally managed. It's such a cool and unique experience to be able to snorkel/ dive Silfra and made even better by a fun staff who know what they're doing!

  • angela ward

    angela ward


    Such an amazing experience! Our guides were fun and funny, knowledgeable, and extremely helpful with the gear. They also gave us great information about what we'd be looking at and what to expect when getting in the near freezing waters. I am so happy we did this and so happy we chose dive.is!

  • en

    Mo Gee


    Great tour! My tour guide was Bart and he was so funny & knowledgable. I wanted to say that the tour is not at the visitors center. You have to drive passed it and find the dirt parking area where the dive vans are. (That is if you choose to drive there) Also, if you are self-driving, you must pay for parking, and credit card is the only way to pay.

  • Anna Rabensteiner

    Anna Rabensteiner


    Zwei SAGENHAFTE Tauchgänge. Ein einmaliges Erlebnis aber auch die Dive Base ERSTE SAHNE. Coole Leute. Gutes Material und echt eine rund um Betreuung. EIN GROßES KOMPLIMENT AN FEE unsere Dive Master ... echt gute Arbeit und eine Ehre mit dir zu tauchen!!!!

næsta Ferðaskrifstofa

📑 öllum flokkum

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