Fisherman Fish Shop & Kitchen í Reykjavík

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

staðfest mál




ÍslandFisherman Fish Shop & Kitchen



🕗 opnunartími

Reykjavík, Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 450 9000
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1458693, Longitude: -21.9626089

athugasemdir 5

  • Olafur Gudnason

    Olafur Gudnason


    Fish & Chips is delicious. Large portion, reasonable price and very good quality. I live next door and will certainly come back often.

  • Joshua Nasielski

    Joshua Nasielski


    A great meal at an excellent price. We are tourists and ate out three times. For the money this was the best meal we had. The portions are huge for Iceland! You get a big piece of fish. Meals come with salad and side. I loved the creamy barley. Small place but clean and nice with a couple of tables. Full of locals ordering food to go. Definitely recommend.

  • en

    Chris Jennings


    I am staying at the Radisson Blu Saga just a short walk away. Got there close to closing but it was fine, had fish and chips basket and it was delicious and very reasonable. Will recommend to friends visiting in the future.

  • Helgi Hjaltested

    Helgi Hjaltested


    Komst að leyndarmáli og það er þessi staður. Saddur og sáttur. Þarna fer ég aftur og aftur.....

  • Michelle Roselle

    Michelle Roselle


    This is a must-go spot. The owner is friendly and accommodating, the atmosphere is comfortable and quaint, and most importantly the fish is delectable. I can't wait to come back to Iceland again and I hope to see this place bustling with business! Yummy.

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