Forsaela apartmenthouse í Reykjavík

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ÍslandForsaela apartmenthouse


engar upplýsingar

🕗 opnunartími

35, Grettisgata, 101, Reykjavík, IS Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 551 6046
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.144217, Longitude: -21.923925

athugasemdir 5

  • Jane S

    Jane S


    Lovely home from home. A street away from the city center. Comfy and OK price. Kitchen lounge and bedroom sleeps 4.

  • Bouquet Harger

    Bouquet Harger


    Our hosts were hospitable, knowledgeable, and kind. The breakfast was homemade every day in a most homey dining room. The bedroom was small but cozy. Even though at one point there was one bathroom shared among six people, we never had any problems nor had to wait for the bathroom. The location is centrally located, very close to the Hallgrimskirkja church and Bus Stop 8, for those who may be traveling by tour bus. They also have bikes for rent. Would highly recommend.

  • christina devries

    christina devries


    Charming apartments in historic houses built in (I think Hlin said) 1905. Excellent location a block from the main shopping street, but removed enough so that it's peaceful. The water is hot! Geothermally heated :) The proprietor, Hlin, is welcoming and happy to give local recommendations, and not intrusive at all. I definitely recommend it.

  • Adam Whitehead

    Adam Whitehead


    Great little guest house with very friendly and knowledgeable hosts. Perfect location just off of the main strip. Very tasty and filling breakfast.

  • Erica Westcott

    Erica Westcott


    Because of an issue with our original booking, we accidentally wound up at this lovely guesthouse near the heart of Reykjavik. Everything we wanted to reach in the city was within reasonable walking distance, but far enough away from the main streets so as to be quiet at night. Hlin and Siggi were very welcoming hosts and they maintain some immaculate accommodations! They had great advice on local travel and transportation, and were so kind and helpful during our stay. When I come back to Iceland, I would very much look forward to staying with them again. Highly recommended!!!!

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