Geysir Bistro í Reykjavík

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

staðfest mál




ÍslandGeysir Bistro



🕗 opnunartími

Aðalstræti, 101, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 517 4300
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.148595, Longitude: -21.941965

athugasemdir 5

  • Alexandra Powell

    Alexandra Powell


    High quality food and reasonable prices for Iceland. Shared the scallop appetizer, and two orders of beer battered fries. Recommend trying the onion soup and whale steak, and they have fermented shark and brennivan available as well. For $120 usd we were able to feed three people and have two drinks. Excellent service, friendly service, and a relaxed environment.

  • Annemiek De Haan

    Annemiek De Haan


    Beautiful restaurant. Delicious food. I can reccommend the whale steak.

  • en

    John Norris


    The best lamb I have ever had, or will likely ever have...absolutely wonderful, plentiful (for a lunch portion), and well presented. Another at our table said it was the best hamburger he had ever had, and the catfish was “delicious.” Why not a 5-Star? The waiter vanished after they served our plates, quite literally...they were nowhere to be found in the dining area. However, I found this to be amazingly common in Reykjavik... the norm really....tracking someone down to get the bill.

  • Mina Nile

    Mina Nile


    understaffed during our visit..felt sorry seeing them run around after so many customers, kitchen got the order wrong , then when it came back it was stone cold, by the time I got it back again my partner had long finished his meal so we ate separatley.. I must say though the food wasn't bad, but expected a bit of an apology or atleast a discount.

  • Sam Soh

    Sam Soh


    Highly recommend you try here. Iceland is a pricey place, in terms of value for what you are getting (service, portions and taste) it is worth it. The restaurant is classy and has a good atmosphere, while the food is delicious and well presented. Overall good experience. Worth mentioning we had some special seasonal menu (December period), hence the special type of burger on the photos.

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