Gott í Vestmannaeyjabær

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

staðfest mál







🕗 opnunartími

11, Bárustígur, Vestmannaeyjabær, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 481 3060
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.4412142, Longitude: -20.2690106

athugasemdir 5

  • Erin Heinz

    Erin Heinz


    This place was fantastic. They have vegetarian options, which are often very difficult to find. But I was impressed that they did provide a couple of options. I got the vegetarian casserole. It was a little spicy and it was very good!

  • siege ism

    siege ism


    Can't really fault the food here. Very fresh and clean tasting food. Staff are excellent, and make you feel welcome. Decor is great and the place clean. Had the fish of the day which was ling, cooked to perfection and would put plenty of London restaurants to shame. Coming from the British Isles I've never understood the sad disparity of an island nation with so much bad fish. Iceland Gott fish Gott Good Gott to go again.

  • en

    Bruno Bonamini


    Very tasty local fish. Great and nice atmosphere. Fantastic service and great cookbooks (only in icelandic and swedish) worth to see. Higly recomended

  • de

    Martin Bänninger


    Gutes, teures Essen. Das Personal etwas laienhaft und unbeholfen. Das Lokal ist jedoch liebevoll eingerichtet.

  • Páll Marvin Jónsson

    Páll Marvin Jónsson


    This is one of the best restaurants in Iceland, if you are looking for healthy food that makes your taste buds go crazy. It is small and therefore it might be good to book in advance. It is not expensive compared with restaurants of this quality. Highly recommend the fish of the day. Siggi the chef is one of a kind when it comes to fish.

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