Gottís í Hveragerði




🕗 opnunartími

Breiðamörk, 810 Hveragerði, Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 483 4879
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.998898, Longitude: -21.187544

athugasemdir 5

  • Hlíf Sævarsdóttir

    Hlíf Sævarsdóttir


    Good icecream.

  • David Michelsen

    David Michelsen


    Good icecream in the wonderful town Hveragerdi

  • Kraiko



    Waited 40 minutes to get ice cream. Their were only 5 costumers all that time

  • Chris Simonson

    Chris Simonson


    This place had terrible service. The employees were in the back on snapchat, making popcorn while we were out waiting to be served what we ordered. Once we did get our food it was barely acceptable. After we ate we thought we would get some dessert. We stood there and had two employees just walk by us several times without even stopping to help us just to get back to the back room to hang out again. Needless to say we walked out without ordering dessert.

  • Pétur H. Sigurjónsson

    Pétur H. Sigurjónsson


    Worst milkshake of my life and bad service to top it off. Went there with my family and had ice cream and milkshake, after very slow service from an inexperienced boy I got the worst milkshake of my life that was warm and like drinking milk with flavouring (texture and taste was like there was no icec ream in it), I then decided to taste my son's milkshake and it was the same so I asked if they could add ice cream to it but was met with a bad attitude from the woman in charge (without a word) threw them in the sink and made another two milkshakes and did nothing but frown while doing them, no sorry or any comment but a frown. Would maybe have been fine if they had tasted like normal milkshakes but no, they were slightly more like normal milkshakes but still like warm milk. I will not recommend or shop there again.

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