Gray Line Bus Terminal - Holtagarðar í Reykjavik

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

staðfest mál




ÍslandGray Line Bus Terminal - Holtagarðar



🕗 opnunartími

Holtagarðar, Holtavegur 10, 104 Reykjavik, Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 540 1313
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.141447, Longitude: -21.847284

athugasemdir 5

  • She X

    She X


    They have queues but they assist well. It is easy to get there as well as move around. They have storage for luggage. Nice place.

  • Alaister Traill

    Alaister Traill


    Grey Line looked after all our trips during our stay we did 5 in total. They were all very enjoyable and gave us plenty of time at each stop. Guides were very knowledgeable and good spirits.

  • en

    Elizabeth Honkanen


    Nice transport to the airport but a bit misleading. On the site it says they will pick you up from your hotel or apartment and if its not on the list, you can send them instructions AFTER you book and they will pick you up from there. AFTER I booked, I gave my address which is along the way and very close (but not if youre walking with suitcases) to the main bus station where they depart from. They informed me that they do not pick up from my location and if its not on the list I need to go to the main station. So I had to take a taxi to the station even though they offer 'pick up from your address

  • Steve Becotte

    Steve Becotte


    I had 4 tours with Grayline, and all guides were great. Especially the Game of Thrones one, Theo. Some were very straight faced, but filled with facts to tell you about. Considering everything here is insanely expensive, I felt these tours weren't too over-priced. Had a great trip. My wallet is traumatized though.

  • Andres F Perez

    Andres F Perez


    Tour company is responsible and really does want to fulfill its service contract. We did not experience any delays and their guides were very entertaining or informative and made the trips enjoyable. Booking the second try for the northern lights (since none were seen on the first night, even after they continued driving to multiple places for hours to see try to see them) was not a hassle or a pain. Their airport transport was also on time and confortable. Staff at the terminal all speak English well and are very friendly and serviceable.

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