Hafdals hótel í Akureyri

ÍslandHafdals hótel


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Stekkjarlækur, 601 Akureyri, Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 898 8347
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 65.6662824, Longitude: -18.034932

athugasemdir 3

  • Teresa Nichols

    Teresa Nichols


    Lovely place with beautiful views of the city and mountains/river. The host is a wonderful gentleman who goes out of his way to make your stay enjoyable!

  • en

    K L


    A new and very nice hotel. The host was friendly. View are excellent. Within 10 minuets drive from the city centre.

  • Greg Orszulak

    Greg Orszulak


    We stayed at Hafdals guesthouse one night while we were in Akureyri. It is a new guesthouse with several modern rooms on the lower level. The friendly owner checked us in quickly and showed us how to use the key and operate the patio door. The views from this guesthouse are amazing! It sits on a hill overlooking Akureyri. It gave us an amazing sunset view over the city. The breakfast area on the upper level has full glass windows that highlight the view too. It's about a 5 min drive into the city. A coffee pod machine and fridge were available in the room. Shampoo and body wash were provided and there was ample space around the sink for our toiletries. The shower was excellent and the hot water didn't even have the sulphur smell. The included breakfast was pretty typical for a guesthouse but had a good variety and quantity of items. Skyr cups were available along with milk, cereals, hard boiled eggs, cheese, meat, bread, fruit and pancakes. My only quibble is that the rooms could use a bit more privacy with the shared walkway out in front. Adding shear blinds along with the blackout curtains would help. Otherwise this place is among the best places I've ever stayed. Highly recommended!

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