Hestheimar í Hella




🕗 opnunartími

851 Hella, Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 487 6666
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.9021483, Longitude: -20.5229544

athugasemdir 5

  • Alexander Westerman

    Alexander Westerman


    I couldn't have been happier about my stay at the Hestheimar Guesthouse. The staff were incredibly attentive and helpful, the cottages were well-equipped, clean and perfect for a family of four, the food was delicious (I loved the family style dining and the fresh baked goods!) and the location peaceful and serene. If I am are lucky enough to return to Iceland I will certainly stay at Hestheimar without hesitation.

  • Carolyn Lum

    Carolyn Lum


    We had a lovely one-night stay in cabin #1 up on the hill at Hestheimar for our last night in Iceland. Really well-equipped cabin, very cosy and warm despite being cold and rainy outside, and beautiful views to wake up to in the morning with the horses frolicking in the field below us. Unfortunately we had to leave too early to enjoy their breakfast, but as we were checking out, I had a peak at the breakfast spread which looked AMAZING. Wish we had had more time there, and would definitely recommend anyone staying!

  • en

    David Printz


    Great meal. Great view. Friendly. Nice rooms.

  • Jayde Burgos

    Jayde Burgos


    Take that one star with a grain of salt! This place is amazing. Best views and best horses. I've never seen so many horses in my life. You can get breakfast here if you want and the curtains are great at blocking the sun. We were able to walk into the stables and hang out with the horses all day long. I've felt very fortunate to come to this place. Boyfriend and Ialready decided we're gonna come back when we're old and decrepit. Please get a wifi extender though!!!

  • Helene Drouilly

    Helene Drouilly


    Disappointing, i do not recommend for horse riding. People were not welcoming and the horse riding tour was not good. I paid IKR10,500 for a 1h ride that lasted only 40min. I told the manager when paying and she got all of a sudden very unfriendly with me and assured the little itinerary lasted the right duration. I later checked the time of the pictures i took and realised it was even shorter than i had initially estimated. My guide was a young teenager who had worked there for 2 days. Very nice but no customer orientation. So didn't even try the typical Icelandic pace. At the end of the ride we had to wait for ages until the managers were back and we could pay them. We really felt more like we were bothering them rather than like welcome customers.

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