Hlemmur Square í Reykjavík

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

staðfest mál




ÍslandHlemmur Square


engar upplýsingar

🕗 opnunartími

Laugavegur 105, 105 Reykjavík, Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 415 1600
website: www.hlemmursquare.com
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1431845, Longitude: -21.9149666

athugasemdir 5

  • Alessandro Salvi

    Alessandro Salvi


    Ho dormito in questo ostello con un gruppo di 15 persone. Personale molto disponibile e cordiale, ampi spazi comuni, cucine e bagni disponibili su ogni piano e dormitori dotati di prese elettriche (1 per ogni letto). Posizione centralissima e prezzi bassi. Unica pecca la pulizia: i bagni, e soprattutto le cucine non erano proprio nelle migliori condizioni.

  • Rebekah Gibson

    Rebekah Gibson


    The staff were incredibly kind helpful, I arrived 8 hrs too early for check in and they let me stay in the socializing room while I waited for a bed and allowed me to store my things if I had wanted to leave. The entire place is clean and it’s got a great community feel with pretty good social vibes. Was able to connect with people and get groups to travel with and go out with. The bar is nice but not cheap, I recommend buying alcohol in the airport or liquor stores!

  • Josh Watson

    Josh Watson


    An amazing place to stay for are grip to Iceland. Good be quility and nice rooms which all much bigger then expected. The ground floor social area and shared kitchens allow for conversation between groups. A great place for food down stairs and good breakfast. This only problem is the few drunk users and the occasional broken bed light. Would come again.

  • Lisa Morlan

    Lisa Morlan


    First off—I had a very hard time finding the entrance. There is not much signage to direct you to the reception. Also upon entering the building I wasn’t even sure if it was the correct hostel. The rooms—nothing special. I had one bed in a four bedroom dorm. Large open area. Small windows with limited airflow. Hot room. Semi comfortable beds. The rooms and floors in the rooms could be cleaned a little more often. The kitchen is ABSOLUTELY disgusting. I would not want to eat off of any of the silverware or plates. There is food everywhere, most of it probably expired. very smelly. Bathrooms were dirty and cramped. The soap to wash your hands. I didn’t use showers but if they were anything like the bathroom m, I wouldn’t of used them anyways. It’s a perfect location to bus pick up if that’s what you need. Location is good for restaurants, grocery stores and souvenir shops. Front desk staff was nice and very helpful. However, I would not sleep here again. You pay for what you get.

  • marlon alcantara

    marlon alcantara


    Good option in Reykjavík

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