Isleifur Heppni í Reykjavík

ÍslandIsleifur Heppni


engar upplýsingar

🕗 opnunartími

105, Laugavegur, Reykjavík, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 696 3699
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.143156, Longitude: -21.9143621

athugasemdir 5

  • S. T.

    S. T.


    Smooth, creamy and delicious! Definitely a fan of the techniques involved.

  • en

    Scott Nesbit


    Great ice cream made with real dry ice right in front of you while you wait! We didn't get adventurous with their topping options but one certainly could. We will be back before we leave! Beware of hours, their website says 11-23 (11-11 pm) but was just there and was told they closed at 10 but did provide me with a "mostly" full cup of chocolate cause there was some left in the mixer.

  • Marc Baladi

    Marc Baladi


    Lovely Belgian waffle with ice cream, Daim and some white chocolate bits with chocolate sauce. Oh yes. Really pricey for what it is but this is Reykjavik so on par with everywhere else and had cheaper options too. Quite a varied range of ice cream. This place is right next to the bus terminal along with a number of other decent places to eat and drink. If you like Thai food, I would recommend going over the road to Mai Thai and then coming back here for dessert.

  • Martin Sundwall

    Martin Sundwall


    Really delicious ice cream! Dangerous to have this place so close to the hotel, I spend a fortune there.

  • Ryan StPierre

    Ryan StPierre


    Delicious & very creative food. Try the dessert with popped quinoa on the bottom, ice cream middle, & meringue on top (I forget the name, but here's a pic)! Friendly staff.

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