Númer 29 í Reykjavík

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

staðfest mál




ÍslandNúmer 29



🕗 opnunartími

Sóleyjargata,29, 101, Reykjavík, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 699 6890
website: numer29.com
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.139482, Longitude: -21.93682

athugasemdir 5

  • en



    Place is quite dirty compared to other guesthouses. Wifi connection interupts too often and was annoying. Water smells like it does sometimes if warm water is used. No kitchen available. Hot tub is a bit too hot and was not really clean.

  • Kostantinos Sofikitis

    Kostantinos Sofikitis


    A very well decorated AirBnB, with many advantages like; 5 minutes walk from Reykjavik city center and BSI terminal (to pick tour buses) and including in built steam room, and as the picture shows an outdoor jacuzzi that you can have the view of the local tourist attraction church! Amazing location, amazing luxuries but drawbacks in pictures the rooms look more spacious than reality, at least our top floor room (5). Well decorated living area, but most of the times absence of hosts, which can be either advantage of you prefer independent stay/holidays but disadvantage of not well-organised day by day plans and you need extra recommendation by a local!

  • Ronald Loh

    Ronald Loh


    Nice and comfortable room but wifi connection can be wonky.

  • Thenesoya Vidina Martín De la Nuez

    Thenesoya Vidina Martín De la Nuez


    Nice place and room. Terrible internet connection in the room. A common space to have breakfast, with free coffee and fridge, but really missed a microwave to heat milk or a Light food. The room was clean and comfortable. The water in the shower smell terribly due to the geothermal sulfur. If you are not use to it. Imagine rotten eggs, you got it! All in all a recommended place, but please add a microwave!!!!

  • Jackson Teal

    Jackson Teal


    Nina/Hordur did not meet us, but they were incredibly helpful and made it very easy to get the building and our room. Great room space for three people and hot showers. Third floor has an "extra" bathroom/shower, sauna, and outdoor hot tub. Good wifi. Great coffee maker in first floor common area. Place is walkable to downtown Reykjavik, but far enough away to be quiet and calm and not have to pay for parking. Helpfully close to gas station as well. Great value for the price.

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