Ölverk Pizza & Brewery í Hveragerði

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

staðfest mál




ÍslandÖlverk Pizza & Brewery



🕗 opnunartími

Breiðamörk 2, 810 Hveragerði, Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 483 3030
website: olverk.business.site
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.9975409, Longitude: -21.1891482

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    John Lambert


    A fabulous find for our squad of five after a tired day driving the golden circle. It was busy so we were lead to wait at the bar for a short while where we sampled the delicious beers. The number 5, dark ale is really tasty. The pizza's that followed were exceptional. They have simple options and adventurous ones too, the one with eggplant and blue cheese won out. The one with seaweed looked a little worryingly strange but turned out to be delicious too. Staff were friendly and prompt. Lots of water being brought over to our table throughout our visit. Would heartily recommend to any one passing through who want to be sure to get good food in warm inviting surroundings. It was an open kitchen so you could see chefs were engaged and obviously cared about the food being served. A really great place.

  • Kelly Kiernan

    Kelly Kiernan


    We had such a great time there!!! There are so many great guesthouses nearby and we were able to just able over there. They were offering their saison(900) which was delicious in addition to 6-7 other types of beer on tap. Strong bitter was the house beer at about 800. It was wonderful he pizza was solid but the beers were best we've had here!!!

  • en

    Alanna Withrow


    Our group of 17 stumbled upon this brewery and we were not disappointed! The pizza and beer were so delicious. The incredible service and outgoing owner made this stop something we will never forget though. She made us feel right at home even though we came around closing time. We all would highly recommend them! We wish they bottled their beer because the US would go crazy for it!

  • de

    Rainer Thiele


    Lecker !!!

  • Martin Plieth

    Martin Plieth


    Alles o.k!

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