PHO Vietnamese Restaurant í Reykjavík

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

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ÍslandPHO Vietnamese Restaurant



🕗 opnunartími

8, Suðurlandsbraut, 108, Reykjavík, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 588 6868
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1397907, Longitude: -21.8839405

athugasemdir 5

  • Sam Soh

    Sam Soh


    Decent Vietnamese Restaurant in Reykjavik, which was walking distance from our hotel (Hilton). We went during the Christmas period and they were one of the only few hard working places still open. Similar to other reviews the food was tasty and service was friendly with good speed. The only let down is the atmosphere seems to be missing something (probably music). The food is reasonably priced by the standards of Reykjavik.

  • en

    Harshotsav Jalan


    We are having lunch at this place as we speak. We are the first people to come today I believe. I ordered the 213 Vegan Yellow Curry, but soon changes my mind. By soon I mean 2-3 mins after the person left writing down our order. Went to the counter to change and was told the food is ready. I could see no chefs but hear a lot of microvaves. Both out dishes were precooked and just heated. Was a bit put off knowing the fact, however was still looking forward to the food. The food did not taste good as well and the curry was damn watery. We are going to go have food somewhere else as well. I would not recommend this place.

  • Steve Wright

    Steve Wright


    Excellent Vietnamese restaurant on the outskirts of Reykjavik. Thankfully not far from numerous popular package hotels, this is a little secret that is worth finding. While the atmosphere was somewhat lacking the food was warming (which is very welcome with a snow storm going on outside) and the spring rolls were the best we’ve ever tasted. So crispy and full of flavour. Reasonably priced for Reykjavik, Pho is worth an evening of your time should you be visiting the area.

  • Alex Dawson

    Alex Dawson


    Good selection of meals - only down side is that there was no atmosphere because there was no music. The food itself was gorgeous- you get a lot for each dish as well. It was a little pricey compared to the other local places though. The guy that was serving us was full of character and was really helpful with advising us on good beers and gave good recommendations.

  • Alexander S

    Alexander S


    Maden var fin men manglede lidt smag. Vi fik tilbudt at smage en ret de lavede i huset, hvilket vi skulle betale for, selvom vi ikke fik at vide at den kostede noget og det faktum at den ikke stod på regningen

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