Rent-A-Wreck Car Rental Keflavik Airport í Keflavík

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ÍslandRent-A-Wreck Car Rental Keflavik Airport



🕗 opnunartími

9, Iðavellir, 235, Keflavík, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 787 1100
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.998618, Longitude: -22.5779139

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Wes Brogden


    I spent one week in Iceland and rented a SUV through Rent-A-Wreck. I did not have the best experience with them and wanted to share my experience with them to help future tourists. To my trip start they were 2 hours late to meet me at the airport and did not communicate with me at all that they would be late. Then when I finally got in touch with them they did not have the car I reserved, and gave me one that had to be exchanged later that day. The cars and SUVs that Rent A Wreck rents out are cars that no other company will rent out anymore. They are extremely dented and damaged as the name suggests. Our SUV had huge dents on the doors, the wipers did not work the best, and it overheated going up a mountain once. I definitely didn't feel 100% comfortable driving the rented SUV through Iceland in the winter. They do offer the cheapest rentals in the country but it is because the cars and SUVs are in bad shape. Please consider how much risk you are comfortable with to save money. I would not rent from this company again or recommend this company. To me saving a few dollars is not worth the peace of mind. Rent through a more reputable company that rents trustworthy vehicles, so you can enjoy your trip.

  • Karly Russin

    Karly Russin


    My husband and I rented a vehicle from Rent-A-Wreck for a week in November for our trip around Iceland. It was the worst experience!! They showed up an hour and half late at the airport. So we had to wait around the airport, which also made us miss our Blue Lagoon experience. The vehicle its self didn't lock properly, was out of washer fluid, the driver door didn't close without manually opening the lock, the key-fobs didn't work, the list goes on. We also rented a GPS which was an additional $10/day which also didn't work. Most of the buttons didn't work. It was a total disaster. DO NOT RENT FROM THEM! Save your money and go somewhere else!

  • en

    Dayne Roberts


    So rent-a-wreck in Iceland was awesome. Was really quick replying to any questions I had and the customer service all out was very good, we was met at the airport on time and the car was perfect. Before collection we had to sign some bits and was reminded exactly what we are covered for which gave us that extra peace of mind. 5 Star service, I would use it again and recommend them to anybody visiting Iceland! Thanks again. Dayne.




    Voiture de bonne qualité même si d'occasion. On a été surclassé gratuitement (Boite automatique). Tout s'est très bien passé et le dépôt du véhicule à l'aéroport est appréciable (Au parking public de l'aéroport).

  • Marvin Jared Lemmon

    Marvin Jared Lemmon


    The wreck was ok yet they did not have correct equipment as advertised. I had to buy my own. No offer of discount when told.

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