Röstin Restaurant - The Old Lighthouse café í Garður

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ÍslandRöstin Restaurant - The Old Lighthouse café



🕗 opnunartími

Garður, Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 893 8909
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.0817485, Longitude: -22.688161

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Madison Grissom


    I don’t have enough good words to say about this restaurant! The burgers were delicious! I got the chicken burger and my husband got the blue cheese burger and both were splendid! We even asked for a dessert menu (#divas) and he although it wasn’t the season they offer desserts, the owner was more than willing to check for some cake or other sweet treat for us. He was so accommodating, and runs a great business! It’s also worth mentioning that the views were spectacular. Like I said- I don’t have enough good words to say!!

  • en

    Kirk Porter


    Wonderful experience! My wife and I loved our blue cheese burger and the chicken burger, which were splendid! The owner was super accommodating and friendly. Quite a nice view of the water from the 2nd floor restaurant. Highly recommend!!!

  • en

    Andrew buswell


    A lovely location with perfect views in a lovely quiet part of Iceland! The owner was so friendly and helpful! Perfect view of the sea, lighthouse and mountains and apparently on a clear night the northern lights are visible. Strongly recommend the hashed fish!

  • Captain Morgan Freeman

    Captain Morgan Freeman


    Gutes Essen und nette Bedienung.! Sehr empfehlenswert. 1 Stern Abzug da wir etwas länger auf unser Essen warten mussten. Diese Wartezeiten sind aber sicher nicht immer so lange. :)

  • en

    Sung Yeol Park


    We had perfect fish and chips here with reasonable price. BBQ chicken for children also great, my kids really liked. The best thing of this restaurant is warm kindness of owner for sure!! We really enjoyed here and Iceland!

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