Sushibarinn í Reykjavík

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

staðfest mál







🕗 opnunartími

10, Suðurlandsbraut, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 552 4444
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1394553, Longitude: -21.8819552

athugasemdir 5

  • Courtney Hill

    Courtney Hill


    Will definitely not be returning to this restaurant. Me and a friend went yesterday and when we were ordering the waiter was like “we have a special if you order two of these rolls, it’s a 2 for one deal!” We thought, awesome we’ll do that! Ordered, got the food no problem though it took a long time as they work very slowly. When leaving we asked the waiter when they have the deal he responded with “all day, every day”. We enjoyed the food so we decided to come back today for the deal,we arrived asked the waitress about the special and she responded with yes so we ordered again. Come to find out that apparently we had to be apart of some Nova thing on our phones that we don’t have that. We were very annoyed that NO ONE said anything to us about it and then had to pay $47 for 2 basic sushi rolls! They waitress had to call her manager and discuss it with him, totally acceptable, they talked for a minute and then came back saying we had to pay full price. We were clearly confused and upset so she handed the phone to me so I could talk to him. The manager was a COMPLETE jerk, saying that they don’t advertise the special and that no one would have told us about it so we must have known before we came. Literally didn’t believe me that his waiter the day before told and gave us the special and that we had no idea we had to be part of the Nova thing. I was very disgusted and disappointed with the way he handled the situation, as soon as I got on the phone he was like “you need to pay full price”, he didn’t even know all the info or care one bit about us being dissatisfied with the service.

  • Natalia Sushchenko

    Natalia Sushchenko


    Had very unpleasant experience with this place. Ordered for take away 30min before they close and when we were picking it up, chef decided to ironically comment to us: "Thank you for ordering so early". If was not nice to hear, especially when other sushi places in Reykjavík are much better quality and service. Go to Osushi or Tokyo Sushi, where we had take away 15 min before they close with a line of people getting late dinners and it was absolutely no problem. Sushibarinn thinks, they are too good for business, no surprise downtown location closed and information is still not updated. They just don't seem to care. The quality of sushi also leaves much to be desired and the portion you get for 5000kr was barely enough for a couple. Shame.

  • c TRUE

    c TRUE


    旅行中に日本食が食べたくなったので、調べて行きました。 海外でお寿司を食べると、やっぱり日本の味が良いなぁと思う事がほとんどですが、ここのはよかった! シャリの大きさや握り具合がちょうど良くて、とても美味しかった! カリフォルニアロールもいただいたけど美味しかった!

  • Finnur Hrafn Jonsson

    Finnur Hrafn Jonsson


    Kom þarna rétt fyrir 10 í gærkvöldi. Þá var ekkert hægt að afgreiða, ekkert take-away var í boði. Það er lélegt að staðurinn sé auglýstur opinn til kl 10 en í raun er hætt að afgreiða mun fyrr. Staður sem sóar tíma hugsanlegra viðskiptavina með villandi auglýsingu á enga stjörnu skilið. Came to this place just before 10 last night. Then there was nothing available, not even some take-away. It is crappy service to advertise opening to 10 but really shut down earlier. A time waister like this place deserves no stars.

  • Rakel G Brandt

    Rakel G Brandt


    Oneluv á sushi

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