Tannery Visitor Center í Sauðárkrókur

ÍslandTannery Visitor Center



🕗 opnunartími

5, Borgarmýri, 550, Sauðárkrókur, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 512 8025
website: www.facebook.com
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 65.742225, Longitude: -19.6338671

athugasemdir 4

  • fr

    Andre Franck Renaud


    Des peaux de moutons de rennes de vache et même de poisson

  • Stephanie Chase

    Stephanie Chase


    Do not miss if you do any kind of leather work! Also excellent prices on sheepskins.

  • Ashley Davidson-Fisher

    Ashley Davidson-Fisher


    Fantastic! Beautiful displays of skins from fish, lamb, horse, cow, sheep, etc. There are a lot to choose from. I especially loved all the different colored fish skins. Just amazing what they can do here. Not only can you buy just the skins, but some of them have been turned into belts, clothes, shoes, etc. Friendly and helpful staff. You can even take a tour of the tannery. In the backroom, on the walls, are stories of the different time periods throughout the tanning history of Iceland. It takes some time to go through and read them all, but it's well worth it. There is such a rich history here of how tanning hides has changed throughout the ages. I was stunned to see that there are so many different methods one can use in the process! Really neat place. Definitely worth your time to stop in.

  • Eric Taylor

    Eric Taylor


    Really cool high end fish tannery shop. They have both finished products featuring tanned fish leather and the leather itself. There are informative boards on the walls in several languages detailing the history of tanning in Iceland. Finished products include handbags, bowties, wallets, jewelry and clothing.

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