1912Guest House í Reykjavík

Ísland1912Guest House


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Skólabrú, 101, Reykjavík, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 611 1912
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1463624, Longitude: -21.938721

athugasemdir 5

  • Mohamed Alammadi

    Mohamed Alammadi


  • Scott Lewis

    Scott Lewis


    I was in Reykjavik to run the 2014 Reykjavik Half-marathon and stayed at 1912 Guesthouse for about 5 days. From a race perspective, I could not have chosen a better place since the guesthouse is about 100 feet from the start/finish line. I was in a scalding hot shower just minutes after my race. Rafn and Katie, the owners of the Guesthouse are exceptionally friendly and accommodating. They can give you great tips for getting around Iceland, fun things to do (you MUST visit the neighborhood pool for a soak/steam), and what to avoid. They are also just very, very gracious hosts and invited me, a lone traveler, to dine with their family on Culture Night (google it if you're not familiar with the holiday). Katie makes killer pancakes, by the way. The only negatives I would mention are that the bed in the single room on the first floor is very small, though not uncomfortable, and the pillows lacking but those are easily remedied. Bring your own shampoo and soap. I'm planning a return visit to Reykjavik for this summer and plan to stay at 1912 Guesthouse again.

  • en

    Alicyn Goodman


    Stayed here last June. Great location. Loved the fact that there was a kitchen with a microwave, lots of fridge space, coffee maker. We would stop into a grocery store and buy some skyr and bread, juice, etc and would have a great breakfast. Very near the Dom Kirkja, the Althing,Tjorn, the Flea Market (open on the weekend) lots of restaurants. Walking distance to many places such as Harpa. I will stay there again.

  • j cursif

    j cursif


    Tres bien situé, propre, confortable, spacieux, sympathique, accueil très pratique avec code de porte envoyé par email si vous arrivez la nuit, cuisine equipée..

  • en

    En Google-bruger


    loved it.

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