Arctic Adventures í Reykjavík

ÍslandArctic Adventures



🕗 opnunartími

Vatnagarðar 8, 104 Reykjavík, Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 562 7000
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1476389, Longitude: -21.8611307

athugasemdir 5

  • Lizzie McLean

    Lizzie McLean


    Great company. Very helpful with any questions or concerns I had. Incredible tour guides and amazing trips. I decided to switch one of my tours fairly late and their customer service was extremely helpful, making sure I got the trip I wanted and deliver my partial refund very quickly. One of my tours was canclcanc due to extreme weather, which is definitely understandable in Iceland. Customer service contacted me promptly offering a replacement tour (that was absolutely incredible) and a partial refund for the difference in trips.

  • en

    Devin Walker


    We absolutely loved this tour! Each stop was beautiful and our tour guide, Giannis, gave us ample amount of time to walk around and take photos. He was also very knowledgeable about Iceland and kept us very entertained while driving between destinations. The glacier hike topped off this already awesome tour! We would 100% recommend this tour to anyone visiting Iceland!! It was the perfect mix of beauty and adventure! Thank you Arctic Adventure!!

  • Michie H

    Michie H


    I had a wonderful experience on the arctic adventures 3 day south coast tour with ice caving. Our tour guide, Sindri, was very kind, knowledgeable, and funny throughout the entire tour. We were very lucky to have sunny weather and clear nights, so we were able to see the northern lights. Pick-up and drop-off were smooth and on-time. We made all the designated stops and even some secret ones too! What a great experience! Hotels were nice and well-kept, so no issues there. Our guides for the glacier walking and ice cave were very enthusiastic and friendly. I did wish we had a little more time at each stop though. The itinerary was changed slightly due to weather conditions, but fortunately, the activities were re-organized that we were able to do all of them.

  • jonsenuk



    Disappointed that I have to write this here in hope of response. We booked a snowmobile tour which was cancelled due to weather. Things happen I understand that no problem. We were promised a refund as per automatic cancellation email. It has now been almost three weeks since the activity was cancelled. Despite two calls and emails to "customer services" the refund is still outstanding. Customer telephone line is now saying no operators available and cuts the call. Totally unacceptable. I'm sure the tours should they happen are great (as per most other reviews) but the customer service is shocking. I hope someone at Arctic Adventures reads this and takes action before I have to start a claim through the European small claims process. Ridiculous.

  • en

    Uberfluss Health


    We went here in March as part of our honeymoon - whilst booking online was easy what they didn't tell you until you got there was that you couldn't go into the Blue Cave and they recommended they take us to another cave which is exactly the same etc or we could get a refund. Being that we are only there once we chose to go ahead with our tour to the Anaconda Cave. We wish we didn't. For 250 AUD it definitely was not worth it. To spend 20 minutes in a dark underground cave seeing no ice formations etc as promised. Would not recommend. Save your money for better things.

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