Bakaríið við Brúna í Akureyri

ÍslandBakaríið við Brúna



🕗 opnunartími

1, Dalsbraut, 600, Akureyri, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 461 2700
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 65.6877661, Longitude: -18.1050377

athugasemdir 5

  • Jennifer Mohorovic

    Jennifer Mohorovic


    Super yummy treats. They close at 4pm and have a nice area to sit, a bathroom, one plug to charge your devices, and free wifi (password on chalkboard). Staff were friendly and spoke good English. Had two treats for $12 that were super filling for 2. They also had a few items out to sample which were all delicious.

  • Szeyin Lee

    Szeyin Lee


    Favorite bakery of our Iceland trip. All the bread are perfect - we ordered ~10 items (savory and sweet) to share for 4 of us. Everything tastes amazing. Highly recommend.

  • en

    Len Youden


    I visited this bakery almost every day for a week. Excellent bread, sandwiches, cake and other baked goods. On one of my visits I paid for a loaf of bread but forgot to take it. The next day when I went in they remembered I left it and gave me a loaf of the bread without charging. Excellent shop.

  • Anna-Marie Aloia

    Anna-Marie Aloia


    This is a fantastic bakery. There is no bad choice. Everything is beautiful and tastes really good as well. There is also tea and coffee. The service is really friendly. This is a must visit if you spend more than 20 hours in the town period come here for breakfast. And Icelandic doughnuts.

  • en

    Carolyn Mitchell


    The best bakery in town!! As a visitor and foreigner they were nothing but kind and helpful to me. I've come back three days in a row. The raisin bread, chocolate pastry, and sourdough are all AMAZING. They have samples of cake, cookies, and breads with spread lying around for you to taste! Everything I've tried has been delicious. The prices are extremely reasonable. The best part: free refills on coffee. No small thing in Iceland.

næsta Bakarí

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