Bakkahestar Horse Riding Tours w Eyrarbakki

IslandiaBakkahestar Horse Riding Tours


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Eyrarbakki, Island
kontakt telefon: +354 823 2205
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 63.864604, Longitude: -21.1320556

komentarze 4

  • Miroslav Drozen

    Miroslav Drozen


    Great experience and ride. The owners are really helpful and nice. You can enhoy riding on beach in small groups or even in a pair.

  • luzie go

    luzie go


    Amazing experience! every second was worth it! Thank you very much!

  • en

    Amy Roe


    Absolutely loved this tour. The couple who run this place were so lovely and helpful and they made sure we were all happy and comfortable at all times which was especially appreciated as 3 of the 4 riders in the group had no experience on horses at all. We had a full hour on the horse in which we rode across some fields and along the beach, including a stop where we got our photo taken, before heading back. The couple gave us plenty of information about things to do in the surrounding area and Iceland in general when we asked too which has enhanced the rest of our trip. Im so glad we did this tour and would highly recommend it to anyone visiting Iceland. It was fantastic value for money and a truly great experience. I will definitely be coming back here for another horse riding tour on my next visit to Iceland!

  • Jeremy Chiang

    Jeremy Chiang


    Steini is so professional and gentle to teach new comers how to ride his lovely horses, He took us ride along the country road and the beach, you gotta visit this small town and have fun with Steini's horses.

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