Bakki Hostel & Apartments (Eyrarbakki HI Hostel) en Eyrarbakki

IslandiaBakki Hostel & Apartments (Eyrarbakki HI Hostel)



🕗 horarios

Eyrargata, Eyrarbakki, IS Island
contactos teléfono: +354 788 8200
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 63.8626903, Longitude: -21.1491612

comentarios 5

  • en

    audrey cespedes


    Beautiful apartment very luminous, large room with comfortable bed, kitchen fully equipped, nice bathroom with floor heating. Wooden terrace in front of sea. Perfect place to rest. I love it !

  • zh-Hant




  • Johannes



    Friendly staff, awesome showers. We could store our bags at the hostel

  • Joshua Phillips

    Joshua Phillips


    Design, cleanliness and comfort were all excellent but there was a strong smell of smoke in the bathroom that was very off putting. The staff were very helpful and pleasant though.

  • en

    Jordan Paschke


    This residence has been an amazing stay for my friends and I. We showed up without reservations(Granted, we did call ahead to verify), were able to get rooms for the length of stay we wanted, then able to extend our stay even! The hostel is about 100 meters from the beach, a quick drive from a main city, and a LOT of tourist hotspots nearby. Never had to drive more than two hours for anything. The residence itself is clean, well kept and comfortable. The staff is so helpful and effective, and the 24hr On-Call rep was so swift in coming by and resetting the fire alarm after a minor oops. All in all, Canadian, American, Moroccan, Russian, everyone had a fantastic stay! 10/10 will absolutely be staying here again. THANK YOU SO MUCH BAKKI HOSTEL!!

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