Bjarteyjarsandur IS

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

staðfest mál







🕗 opnunartími

Hvalfjarðarvegur, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 433 8831
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.3985697, Longitude: -21.5099429

athugasemdir 5

  • Joe



    Beautiful farmhouse with very helpful and kind staff. Strongly recommend stopping by here if you're camping.

  • en

    Balbonicus G


    We stayed in our last night in the middle of March. This is the campsite where we've seen the Northern Lights! Nice warm showers and clean toilet and wash area. Common room available until 10pm. Owner was supposed to charge us with our toddler but he didn't bother collecting the money in the end. Such nice accomodating owners. In the morning we roamed around the farm and felt pretty much at home.

  • Hannah Pymont

    Hannah Pymont


    Beautiful campsite with a view of the fjord. Facilities include a kitchen area, with a small shop selling farm produce and a bar. Only three toilets and one shower which could be a problem when it's busy in the summer, but with only a few campers it was fine. Price included shower (3000ISK for 2 people) which a lot of the other campsites charge extra for. Everything was clean and the two farm dogs were particularly friendly!

  • en

    Jack Forgash


    Stayed overnight in a rented camper van in their parking lot. We were arriving two hours after they closed, and called ahead and they said we could just pay in the morning. Very accommodating. Slightly hard to find, but so are a lot of places in Iceland. This place is lovely! Only one shower, but it was very warm and strong and the floors are heated throughout the main building. There is a kitchen you can use to make breakfast in the morning, as well as pots and pans, and farm goods to buy. It is a working farm so there are animals around! Overall a wonderful and welcoming place to stay.

  • Julien .F

    Julien .F


    It was a lovely and friendly place to finish our trip in Iceland. You can camp or stay in an hostel. You have a shared living room when you can cook eat rest and speak. A piano Is there as sheep dog and rabbits. The owner are really nice too. On top you have free wifi & Hot shower and you can by local food. We recommand it

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