Bonus í Egilsstadir




🕗 opnunartími

Miðvangi 13, 700 Egilsstadir, Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 471 2700
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 65.2635306, Longitude: -14.4050137

athugasemdir 5

  • Xaddy Wong

    Xaddy Wong


    Bonus is also a chain supermarket, you can find may outlet in Iceland. I love shopping there, if you compared to the other big chain supermarket start with “N” I found Bonus had had fresh meat and lots for veggies and fruits. And the price of the goods are cheaper compared to “N” supermarket.

  • Gonzalo Cuevas

    Gonzalo Cuevas


    Probably the cheapest supermarket in Iceland. There are a lot in the western part of Iceland and not that many on the eastern, so check before doing a long trip. They always have free coffee!

  • en

    Michael Quinn


    I love Bonus. The name is great as is the logo. Also the prices are as reasonable as you will find in Iceland and if you are travelling from Ireland or the UK you will find plenty of familiar treats.

  • Olga Vol

    Olga Vol


    I would say this was my favorite supermarket out of the ones visited in Iceland. It was definitely the cheapest and there was a lot of food at low prices available - great for tourists in a budget trying to cut down the costs of the trip. Highly recommended!

  • Johnathan Griswold

    Johnathan Griswold


    These foods are the best of any grocery store in the country. Prices are reasonable as far as Iceland is considered. Unless you are shopping at a N1 you would be hard pressed to find a more convenient option.

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