Brautarholt Golf Club IS

ÍslandBrautarholt Golf Club



🕗 opnunartími

tengiliðir sími: +354 566 6045
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.2356516, Longitude: -21.8802059

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Rob Esselment


    A great golf experience. Played in early October on a windy day and had a great time. Stunning views and a very challenging golf course. Gunnar and his team have done an amazing job on a spectacular piece of shoreline facing across the bay to Reykjavik. Booked the package and was impressed with all of the service, conditions, and even the fact they had good right AND left-handed rentals. A must for golfers visiting Iceland.

  • en

    David She


    We played this course July 23rd in the late evening. Still plenty of daylight to enjoy this fantastic course. Staff were helpful and courteous but rental equipment was poor (maybe we needed that excuse to justify our scores?)

  • en

    Kevin Den Hartog


    Spectacular experience on an awesome course! Had a 8:00 pm (July 9, 2017) tee time to play 18 with my daughter--- teed off on the last hole at 12:20 am. We bought the Midnight Golf Package which worked out quite well. We were picked up in Reykjavik, driven straight out to the course, played with quite nice rental clubs, and were returned back to our B and B around 1:30 am. The course was in great condition and quite challenging. Somewhat difficult to focus on golf when you're in such a beautiful setting -- the rising moon, the peninsula green, the birds, the ocean, the contour of the fairways and greens. Make the time to take in this wonderful course!

  • AP Latti

    AP Latti


    A fantastic golf course, demanding and beautiful. Greens were top class and very large. Feeling grateful of this 9-hole experience. Easy to reach from Reykjavik by car. They also rent golf sets, both right and left side.

  • Samurai Golfer

    Samurai Golfer


    Wow, what a great course. If you only play one course in Iceland, make it this one. There is a fantastic nine holes that go our a peninsula and back again. Lush fairways, perfect greens and National Geographic quality scenery. You can rent clubs and a hand cart or ride a buggy. They just opened 3 more holes that go away from the water and they are good holes but not spectacular like the first 9. Worth the drive.

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