Centerhotel Thingholt í Reykjavík

ÍslandCenterhotel Thingholt


engar upplýsingar

🕗 opnunartími

3, Þingholtsstræti, 101, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 595 8530
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1464419, Longitude: -21.9344953

athugasemdir 5

  • Ragnar Gudjonsson

    Ragnar Gudjonsson


    Perfect location if you want to be downtown.. Not so practical of you have a cat as its very central downtown.. But doable. Nice quality

  • en

    Kirsty Munday


    Some minor things that could do with improvements. Rooms are quite small for a 4* and the bathrooms really need to be more private. The glass walls around it are opaque but in general not a good feature. Otherwise clean and tidy. Spa is nice but chargeable. Excellent location for centre which made trips and eating out very accessible.

  • en

    sam prince


    Nice boutique hotel in the centre of town, which is both a positive and negative in that it's close to all the action, but you can also then hear it from your room as well. The staff there are great, breakfast choice excellent. There are a lot of good restaurants in the city, so we didn't give the evening menu a chance. I think the hotel would benefit from promoting it's restaurant a little more, perhaps a discount for guests - whatever so that there would be a little be more activity and life in the bar/evening area.

  • John Flynn

    John Flynn


    Really central hotel and does everything it says on the website. Small and dark but that’s a good point as it’s boutique and cool. I went for the deluxe room which gives a great sofa to laze in, good option. A charge for the spa (pool and sauna) is a bit off but it’s a minor charge. In all a great wee place for a few days on holiday. Would not choose if you were on business as no work desk (in my room) and only go if you are really comfortable with your partner. The toilets are glass walls so you see and hear everything. I’m 24 years married so no real shocks! Breakfast is great. Staff really friendly & helpful. Street parking only but it’s not too dear. Enjoy.

  • Thomas Blanc

    Thomas Blanc


    Spent a good week at the place. Good quality/price ratio. Not too much experience in Iceland though Breakfast could be better as well. It's not bad with the usual basic options but we could have more veg options. Lunch food was missing vegan options

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