Dollan Lavacave IS

ÍslandDollan Lavacave


engar upplýsingar

🕗 opnunartími

tengiliðir sími: +354
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.903, Longitude: -22.4217723

athugasemdir 5

  • James B

    James B


    We came across it by accident and it was a highlight for us. I'd say this is great for the adventurous looking for the rugged Iceland but not what the average sightseer/tourist would be comfortable with. Seems like many reviewers didn't realize there was a small passage inside the crater that leads pretty deep underground. There are several large chambers of pitch black lava cave. Bring a flashlight or two, cell phone light will not be enough. There are plenty of places to bang your head, and there is one tight spot near the entrance you will have to crab walk through because of a low ceiling, once you are past that the rest is very spacious. Me and my 11 year old son absolutely loved it, and my girlfriend did too but didn't like the tight entrance.

  • en

    Keith Baker


    It's a hole in the ground with steps down. Does let you see that lava crusted over whilst flowing below which is very odd.

  • en

    Rob Reid


    It's a small cave made of lava. It's pretty neat.

  • Kent Benson

    Kent Benson


    Here you get a sense of driving into the heart of Iceland. The lava cave is no walk in the park and will involve you cradling around on your hands and knees in the dark. For those prepared for the advent it is an interesting way of understanding some of the geology that makes this wonderful place.

  • Lillian J

    Lillian J


    This is a small cave near the blue lagoon. It's about 3-4 feet from the parking lot. Do not walk the trail for it, I almost could not find it because of the snow. If you go during the winter, go better 1100-1500(3pm) or else it'll be too dark to see anything. The steps were covered with ice when I went so hold on to the rails. It's a free attraction and only 5 min pit stop. Thank you for reading, hope this review is helpful.

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