Fitjar Guesthouse í Mosfellsbær

ÍslandFitjar Guesthouse


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Fitjar Guesthouse, Leiruvegur, 116, Mosfellsbær, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 691 5005
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1843445, Longitude: -21.7065913

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Craig M


    Very clean, everything you need and more! Couldn’t understand the last review, it seemed so negative. This place is perfect. Staff couldn’t do enough for you. Small 6 room guesthouse in a picturesque setting. Photos don’t do it justice.

  • en

    Nicole Macdonald


    Shared toilet and shower were okay but rooms were clean. Shared kitchen was handy as there is a Bonus quite close by.

  • Andrew Kao

    Andrew Kao


    Clean but sparse. Was a little tough to find and was very low on amenities. Neighbors were not noisy but I found that I could hear a lot of little things outside of the room. The location is a bit more remote than I had hoped and there definitely aren't a lot of things nearby. They do have a farm with horses on the premises but I never took advantage of that. Clientele was either quite young (seemed like a lot of teens it college aged people) or I am just a bit old to stay there. Bed linens were limited but towels were fine. WiFi was provided free but no food was included in the stay. My room came with a TV but I did not try it.

  • Colin Forrester

    Colin Forrester


    Loved it... clean and freindly and our host Karen was very nice... good value for the price.

  • Alana Freistadt

    Alana Freistadt


    I only stayed one night, but I loved this place. Clean room, comfy bed, nice big kitchen and it has a washing machine you can use which I definitely appreciated! The owner was very kind and accommodating. Definitely a great place to stay if you want to be near Reykjavik, but not stuck in the city!

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