Fosssel Country House í Selfoss

ÍslandFosssel Country House


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Fosssel, 816 Selfoss, Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 899 7879
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.9470918, Longitude: -21.0240424

athugasemdir 4

  • en

    Trudy McKendry


    BEAUTIFUL country home. Well equipped kitchen, clean attractive home. Very comfortable sleeping. Outside deck and lawn area are attractive and furnished. The owners have a few chickens, fun to watch them wandering about. They also have Icelandic Dogs- a real pleasure to be around. Owners made sure we were ok with the dogs coming over. Our family loved the whole experience her. I would book again.

  • Alberto Ferreras

    Alberto Ferreras


    Nice house for eight people, very comfortable and well equiped with all the necessary staff to make the stay comfortable (linen, towels, house appliances, kitchenware, etc). The house includes a wide garden with a hot-tub and a barbaque. The owners were very friendly and helpful. They live nearby, and their pets are also friendly and they made the children happy. The house is well-located outside Selfoss very near to road 1, perfect to explore the Golden Circle and the South of Iceland.

  • Jacob Juul Petersen

    Jacob Juul Petersen


    Nice and quiet place! Exceptionally clean. We were 8 adults living in the house for a week - No problem at all! The hosts are really nice and they're very helpful if you need advice on what to see or do in Iceland. My best recommendations for this place!

  • Særún Gréta Hermannsdóttir

    Særún Gréta Hermannsdóttir


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