Fotoval í Reykjavík




🕗 opnunartími

50b, Skipholt, Reykjavík, IS Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 553 9200
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1401273, Longitude: -21.9014756

athugasemdir 3

  • en

    Kelley Frank


    On vacation in Iceland and my Nikon camera stopped working. Took the camera to FotoVal and they were able to diagnose the problem. Had to order the parts which would have taken too long. They were able to sell me a used camera body for a great price. Very friendly and helpful. Wish they were located in the USA.

  • Tómas Vilhelm

    Tómas Vilhelm


  • en

    Kieran Strei


    This store sold me a battery charger that worked for about 1 day. This is after I bought the product, tried to fit it with my battery, it did not fit, and I went back in to have the salesman show me how it fits. He tried to crush my battery into the too small charging pocket- risking breaking both my battery and the brand new charger. If you are a tourist, DO NOT GO HERE. You will be ripped off. I paid $50 more than I would anywhere else for a product that does not work. What kind of salesperson is so incompetent to try and crush property that does not belong to him. I am disgusted with their drive for profit and not service. It was a terrible experience and that salesman is a risk to all product that enters and exits the store.

næsta Rafeindabúnaður

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Almenn verktakaAlmenningsgarðurApótekAtmBakaríBankBarBensínstöðBlómabúðByggingavöruverslunBílaleigaBílastæðiBílaviðgerðirBílaþvotturBíll söluaðilaBókabúðBókasafnBókhaldCasinoDómstólaDýragarðinumDýralæknahjálpFasteignasalaFatabúðFerðaskrifstofaFiskabúrFjármálFlugvöllurForsendaFæra fyrirtækiGeymslaGistingGæludýrabúðHeilsaHeimavöruvörurHindu TempleHjólabúðHverfinuHár umhirðuHáskóliHúsgagnaverslunJarðarförKaffihúsKeilusalurKirkjanKirkjugarðurKjörbúðKvikmyndahúsLandLeikvangurLeiðListagalleríLásasmiðjaLæknirLíkamsræktLögfræðingurLögreglaMaturMatur afhendinguMatvöruverslunMatvöruverslun eða kjörbúðMinjasafnMoskaMálariMáltíðirNáttúrulegur eiginleikiNæturklúbburPípulagningarmaðurPósthúsRafeindabúnaðurRafvirkiRv garður, tjaldsvæðiRáðhúsSamkunduhúsiðSendiráðSjúkrahúsSjúkraþjálfariSkartgripaverslunSkemmtigarðurSkrifstofa sveitarfélagaSkóbúðSkóliSlökkviliðsstöðSnyrtistofaSpaStaðsetningStjórnsýslusvæði stig 1Stjórnsýslusvæði stig 2StofnunStoppistöðSubpremiseTannlæknirTaxi standaTilbeiðslustaðurTjaldsvæðiTransit stationTryggingastofnunUndirflokk 1VeitingahúsVerslunVerslunarmiðstöðVerslunarmiðstöðÁfengis drykkjarvöru verslunÁhugaverðir staðirÞvottahús