Gateway to Iceland i Kópavogur (Greater Reykjavík Area)

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IslandGateway to Iceland



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Akralind 8, 201 Kópavogur (Greater Reykjavík Area), Ísland
kontakter telefon: +354 534 4446
internet side:
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Latitude: 64.0960051, Longitude: -21.8805174

kommentar 5

  • fr

    Patrick lapa


    Circuit Hot Golden Circle aujourd'hui. Une superbe journée pour découvrir les très jolies régions et curiosités. Magnifiques les chutesGullfoss les geysers Excellent le bain dans l eau chaude de Haukadalur. Sans oublier le professionnalisme et gentillesse de notre guide. Je recommande vivement Gateway To Iceland . Continué Good job. Cordialement Patrick : FRANCE

  • Floorida Bergshoeff

    Floorida Bergshoeff


    Vandaag golden cirkel met secret lagoon gedaan . Top . Met trond onze gids . Die ook nog voor ons ging zingen . Wat een mooie kerel . Regen bij de geyser en bij de waterval . Maar he het is IJsland. Secret lagoon was weer bij prachtig weer . Jammer dat trond zijn microfoon stuk ging . Maar dat is nartuurlijk de schul van de elven....

  • en

    Debra Roberts


    I can recommend the company and guides as we went on the Reykjanes tour with them. We all enjoyed the trip and felt it was money well spent. Out of all the trips we did this was definitely the best. Steffan our guide was very knowledgeable and because we had time to spare made several stops that were not on the itinerary. You were given time to wonder around the the sites and were not rushed and herded back on to the buses. The highlight of the day for me was the stop at the cafe in Grindavik where I had meringue cake to die for. My daughter is a geologist and Seffan took time to talk to her about the different geological features we visited. This trip made our holiday and we won't hesitate to book with them again when we hopefully will make a return trip so time in the future.

  • en



    Booking was stress free and had a super experience with Erikur the guide and driver on this small mini bus. Clean bus, safe driving and little add on stops like feeding Icelandic horses that were not expected but they were much appreciated. Erikur gave clear instructions of where to go/when to return to coach etc were given. Lots of information given about Iceland. Very happy to have chosen this company for my tour of the Hot Golden Circle. Tour itself was fantastic too, some fabulous sights to see in Iceland.

  • en

    frank ryan


    Had a great trip down to the south coast,the guide had almost supernatural timing so we arrived at the tour spots before the big crowds arrived. Our guide (Bjorn) was funny and incredibly knowledgeable,he shared a potted history of the island,it's people and Icelandic folklore as well as explaining the beautiful sights we were seeing. Can't recommend this company enough.

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