engar upplýsingar

🕗 opnunartími

1, Eyvindarholt, Gardabaer, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 823 1546
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1072973, Longitude: -22.008369

athugasemdir 5

  • Mister Crawford

    Mister Crawford


    My wife and I just spent 3 awesome nights at Gistiheimilid Evindarholt in November 2017. We booked for two and liked it so much that we spent an extra night here. It is a short 15 minute right into the center of Reykjavik. Our stay could not have been better. The rooms are nice. The shower is terrific. The breakfast is worth $20 per person alone with a dazzling display of eggs, yogurts, ham and fresh baked bread. We were served coffee or tea. Wifi was good. It was the perfect place after a long day of sightseeing to relax, chill and regroup. I was worried about wanting to be in the center of town for shops and restaurants to be in walking distance but found this a much better option. The hostess Aslaug couldn't be friendlier and I would not hesitate to stay again.

  • nl

    Ellen van der Pijl


    Fantastische plek. Je hebt gevoel dat je bij vrienden te gast ben. Ruime kamers prima bedden. Zeer vriendelijk gastvrouw die alles uit de kast haalt om het je super naar de zin te maken. Ontbijt is inbegrepen bij de prijs. En ontbijt mag je met hoofdletters schrijven UIT DE KUNST.

  • Sipke Overbeeke

    Sipke Overbeeke


    Simply brilliant. Home and freshly made icelandic breakfast. Comfortable rooms and a great view with many birds. Above all great hosts

  • 王妍燕



    Lovely B&B. We woke up to a breakfast fit to a king! Our room is simple, but has great view. It's 15 minutes by car from downtown, yet feels country side. There were chickens in the yard. Overall, a wonderful place.

  • Sharon Robinson

    Sharon Robinson


    Aslaug was a great host and full of suggestions if requested. The place was very clean with a great view. The breakfast each day was freshly made, very delicious and a large spread. Overall a fantastic experience!!!

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