Gray Line Iceland í Reykjavík

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

staðfest mál




ÍslandGray Line Iceland



🕗 opnunartími

Hafnarstræti, 101, Reykjavík, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 540 1313
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.147791, Longitude: -21.935915

athugasemdir 5

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    Ally W


    Bitterly disappointed. After spending the extra money to be picked up at our hotel to go to the airport, we were not picked up at all, resulting in us having to pay a significant amount of money for a taxi to the airport. The confirmation email from Gray Line stated that we were to wait at a bus stop number, followed by an address (our hotel). Therefore we stood at the address and waited, and after 15 minutes of waiting in the rain, we called Gray Line and were told that the bus stop and the address provided were at different locations and we had missed the bus (as we were at the address listed, not the bus stop). This situation was obviously incredibly frustrating given we paid extra for a service that was not delivered, and compounded by the fact that we spoke on the phone to a person from customer service who clearly did not want to assist us with the situation. There is another bus service that operates and I would encourage visitors to utilize Fly Bus instead of wasting time and money with Gray Line.

  • Gilles Fines

    Gilles Fines


    I really enjoyed my tour. I felt the guide did an excellent job and, in just one day, I feel like I soaked up a lot Iceland's scenery, history and facts of day-to-day life. Very informational!

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    Dewi Williams


    Went on the Golden Circle Classic tour today. It was fantastic. Saw some incredible sights throughout the day and the guide ('Willy') and driver were both excellent. An unforgettable experience. What an amazing country Iceland is.

  • Julia Smith

    Julia Smith


    We had a fantastic day on our South Coast tour to the Glacier Lagoon. Our guide Gudni and driver (sorry I can't remember name!) were perfect and helped make this a great trip. It is a long day but definitely worth it, the glacier lagoon is like another world. We also visited the huge Skogafoss waterfall and the black sand Diamond Beach. We were picked up promptly from our hotel in a minibus and transferred to the Gray Line bus terminal where we changed to a large coach which was clean and comfortable. The day is planned very well with rest stop and lunch breaks, the longest stretch of driving was only about 2h15m. We had amazing sunny weather along the South Coast, but on our return journey the weather turned very snowy and as a result we were delayed getting back to Reykjavik. The driver handled this perfectly and I very much appreciate his efforts to get us back safely and comfortably, would prefer to be out longer than be in an accident for sure! Highly recommend this tour.

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    Not terrible but not great either. Windows were dirty on the vehicle (I know it was winter but the other tour operators I travelled with had cleaner ones). Driver was rude to me and I had to get off in a different place to where I boarded as he said he couldn't stop there. Driving felt safe and inside of bus was clean and comfortable. Not bad but I had better experiences with the other two bus companies I travelled with.

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