Grettir Guesthouse í Reykjavík

ÍslandGrettir Guesthouse



🕗 opnunartími

Mánudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
þriðjudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Miðvikudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Fimmtudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Föstudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Laugardaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Sunnudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
28a, Laugavegur, 101, Reykjavík, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 787 2000
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.145146, Longitude: -21.9280831

athugasemdir 5

  • Sofía Coello

    Sofía Coello


    I recommend this place to stay with friends. Very comfortable, cozy and very well located. Also they have everything you need to cook and they provide towels and coffee and tea for free. The price is good as well.

  • Robson Machado

    Robson Machado


    Lovely guesthouse with prime location. Worth every Krona!

  • Michelle Pratt

    Michelle Pratt


    The location is excellent. The room was clean and comfortable and the kitchen facilities were spot on. You share 1 bathroom between around 10 people so you might have to wait at busy times but for the location, price and facilities it was worth it. I'd stay here again.

  • Kaipol Takpradit

    Kaipol Takpradit


    The were mixed up if good and bad things. The place was small but lovely. You felt very like home with self service breakfast that stored in cabinet. And you felt even more like home when the first sight at the door was full trash. I don't know if this a common issue for share guesthouse. The worst thing was the check in. There was no reception and the place was hard to find. You had to call them by phone (big problem for foreigners with out roaming sim card). Then they helped you with a code to open the door and how to find your keys, all this through the phone, no person came up.

  • Jason Crowe

    Jason Crowe


    The Grettir Guesthouse is terrific! It's location is ideal being located in the center of the city. It is very unique and has the Scandinavian home feeling. When I arrived I was met by the house keeper who was very kind and enthusiastic. The room place is wonderfully cozy and immaculately clean. The beds are very comfortable. I was only there for one night and day and would go back instantly.

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