Harbourfront Guesthouse í Hafnarfjordur

ÍslandHarbourfront Guesthouse


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Vesturgata 8, 220 Hafnarfjordur, Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 555 3311
website: www.harbourfront.is
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.0700113, Longitude: -21.9601622

athugasemdir 5

  • Ricky Jimenez

    Ricky Jimenez


    Muy buen lugar para pasar unos dias. Puede que haga hasta mucho calor en las habitaciones

  • es

    Sonia Montarroso


    Todo correcto tal y como se ve en las fotos. Lo necesario para comer ducharse y dormir. Limpio y a 15 20 minutos de reikiavik coche. Toallas secador champu gel ...nevera microondas etc...

  • Deepak Sharma

    Deepak Sharma


    The place is clean and well kept. There is plenty of parking. The most impressive thing is the owners who couldn't have been more helpful! From sorting out kettles, letting us put our luggage in the property early to cooking the pizzas we had brought not realising that there was no oven!

  • en

    Gabrielle Schwartz


    Stayed here for New Years Eve with a large group of friends. Immediately upon checking in my husband and I started looking at hotels in the area to check out. The house was horrible. I wish I could attach photos here. The microwave has likely NEVER been cleaned. The dust on the floors and on the lights was inches think. The comforter they provided for a full size bed would hardly fit a twin. The large purple pillow they provide did not have a case to it which means it never gets washed. The showers were so small you could barely get into them and once inside you could faint from the smelll of sulfur. This was my first air bnb experience and I am traumatized from it. It really put a damper on my trip. The only reason why I am giving 2 stars instead of 1 is because the communication my friend had with the owner prior to renting the house was informative and pleasant.

  • Dawit Baldinazzo

    Dawit Baldinazzo


    Accogliente e molto intimo.due bagni e doccia in comune . possibilità di depositare gli alimenti all'interno della cucina e dei due frigoriferi. Possibilità Di scaldarsi il cibo. Abbiamo alloggiato per una settimana e ci siamo trovati molto bene, camere calde e asciugamani puliti.All'arrivo non ci ha accolto nessuno (apparte le chiavi)e la pulizia delle camere non era il massimo ma ho preferito passare 6 giorni senza guardare sotto al letto. Consigliato per viaggi in macchina. Ottimo campo base.

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