Hofdatun i Árnessýslu



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Villingaholtsvegur, Árnessýslu, IS Island
kontakter telefon: +354 864 1147
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Latitude: 63.8884577, Longitude: -20.7772924

kommentar 2

  • en

    stephanie phelps


    Just ok. We chose to stay here because of the location, but what really made it this one vs others in the area was the hot tub and horses on site. Well - hot tub is out of order & new owner since we reserved means no horses either. Kitchen is well stocked though and there are a few duplos for the kids.

  • en

    Blanche D


    We stayed here in 2012 and had a wonderful week-long stay in June. The setting is peaceful and stunningly beautiful, our hostess Thorey and her son were warm, welcoming, and helpful. The house is clean and has everything you could need for a comfortable stay, all at a great price. The location is convenient to the center of Selfoss for groceries, etc. And the house is convenient as a home base to explore all the wonders of southern Iceland, which will take your breath away. Since our trip, we talk often about returning and are certain we will. The majesty of the landscape is matched only by the warmth of the people. Even their horses are laid back and friendly! If you've never ridden before, I recommend starting on an Icelandic horse, especially here at Hofdatun. You'll be so glad you did! We can't wait to return. Oh, if you go in spring or summer months, bring an eye-shade for sleeping--the sun doesn't really set there that time of year, and you'll want to get plenty of sleep to energize for your adventures.

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