Iceland Fishing Guide í Akureyri

ÍslandIceland Fishing Guide



🕗 opnunartími

6, Njarðarnes, 603, Akureyri, IS Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 660 1642
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 65.6985361, Longitude: -18.1254324

athugasemdir 5

  • Kit Carrau

    Kit Carrau


    Matti and Hogni were fantastic! We had an amazing day with them. They were really helpful and super passionate about fishing. We also stayed in their beautiful lodge which made the trip perfect. I'd highly recommend a fishing trip with them.

  • John Ablutz

    John Ablutz


    I did a lot of reasearch about fishing guides in Iceland and one name that continued to be mentioned was Matthias Hakonorson. We discussed a number of different locations with Matt and decided to fish the Jokla on opening day, July 2017. We fished with Matt for a total of three days. Each day was like fishing with one of my friends at home. He is a guide that will help find fish and after that its up to you. I have fished for many years and have been out with a lot of guides. Matt is on the top. He is very helpful, extremely funny, but most of all a great guy. If you want to have a great experience fishing Iceland book with Matt. As a side note- if you are doing 2 handed spey or switch rod fishing, practice at home and get good. Some of the fishing spots will require longer casts.

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    Josh Parsons


    My wife and I just returned from a several day Iceland vacation. We arrived to Reykjavík on Friday, 5/26, in the early morning. We traveled about an hour to Hotel Grimsborgir, just west of Selfoss, where we would be staying for the next several days. Our guide, Kristinn, met us at 9:30. Prior to arrival, we spoke with Hogni and Matti, and discussed a later tour start time that allowed us the opportunity to eat breakfast and get settled. This worked perfectly. When he arrived, Kristinn was immediately welcoming and informative. He provided an overview of the day's plan, where we would be fishing, and asked questions about our comfort with different techniques/tackle. We traveled about 35 minutes to Laugarvatn and the River Holaa. Kristinn secured our permits from the landowner and we were ready to fish. Since it was only a day tour, I did not bring my waders, boots, or flies. In pre-trip planning, I provided all of my sizes and experience level to the Iceland Fishing Guide staff. Kristinn had for me a pair of boots and waders that fit perfectly. He also set me up with a 6wt Sage rod rigged with floating line (we fished nymphs and midges since the black flies were abundant). I cannot comment on gear for my wife. Due her smaller size, she opted to bring her own waders and boots. She did, however, use a rod provided by Kristinn. My wife does not fish nearly as much as me and we discussed this with Iceland Fishing Guide before leaving the States. Kristinn had a rod set up with a shooting head and more more moderate flex; it was perfect for my wife's ability level. After gearing up, we hiked about a half kilometer down river. Along the way, Kristinn pointed out char in the river and discussed some tactics for landing them. Once we arrived at our first spot, Kristinn let me get fishing and moved with my wife downstream. He was able to spend more time with her since she required a bit more attention and instruction. Her first cast to the river resulted in a strike and a take. Unfortunately, that first fish broke off before it was landed, but other fish were soon caught. Within minutes of the first strike, I was hooked up. Kristinn quickly made his way back up river and helped me net the fish, my first artic char. A second fish was caught shortly after followed by the largest fish of the day being caught by my wife. We probably hooked up on over 20 fish during the morning into the afternoon. As fly patterns became less successful, Kristinn quickly tied on new patterns and tandems to entice strikes. We also moved several times to find more fish-holding water. We brought to net six artic char, which, without question, was a success. During the entire time on the river, Kristinn was attentive to our needs, questions, and conversation. After fishing, we opted for a tour of the Golden Circle. Kristin took us up to the Geysir and Gulfoss areas. Since we were diving in the Silfra fissure the next day, he did not take us up there. As we rode in Kristinn's Land Cruiser, he provided good information about the area and even his brother's farm located along the route. Honestly, Iceland Fishing Guide was exemplary. From pre-trip planning, modifying our day tour to meet our travel schedule, equipment and outfitting, to a knowledgeable and personable guide, the day trip was amazing.

  • Amanda Erickson

    Amanda Erickson


    My husband is an avid fisherman and he did a lot of research about fishing guides in this area. This was the most highly reviewed outfit and we agree with all the reviews. Matthi was a great guide. He was able to set my husband up and provide him with a challenge while at the same time teaching me - a complete beginner - how to fish. Both of us ended the day happy with caught fish and seeing a beautiful area of Iceland. Matthi was also the most friendly person we met in Iceland and we had a great time with him. Highly recommend!

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    Cade Carlson


    Everything about Matti's service is top notch. From the amazing waters he guides on the the beautifully renovated lodge (the goat house). He literally will make your trip go off without a hitch and top it off by putting you on monster fish. The thing that I liked best was his ability to totally customize a trip based on what fits your goals and schedule. Matti stands above all other guides in Iceland. He will even act as a makeshift doctor when you stick yourself in the ear with a huge fly!!!

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