Kalfholt Horse Breeding & Riding Tours IS

IslandiaKalfholt Horse Breeding & Riding Tours


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63°53'59.5"N 20°39'10.5"W, Island
kontakt telefon: +354 487 5176
strona internetowej: kalfholt.is
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 63.8998611, Longitude: -20.6529167

komentarze 5

  • Jaron Chua

    Jaron Chua


    Did not try the horse riding, instead I used the guest house. It was a great experience. Host was friendly!

  • Jaron Chua

    Jaron Chua


    Used their guest house but did not go on their horse tour. It is a great place!

  • nl

    Lonne Zwagemaker


    Hele fijne plek om te zijn!

  • Anna Hers

    Anna Hers


    My husband and I are both beginners and loved our lesson! We had very gentle and patient horses, and the instruction was at a perfect pace - we were given lots of helpful advice but it never felt overwhelming. We particularly enjoyed when we got a chance to speed up with the horses. We asked a lot of questions about Iceland, and our guide Steingrímur, whose family owns the farm, was very easygoing and encouraging. We enjoyed getting a chance to kick back with coffee and treats at the stable after and chat with everyone. Honestly, my only wish would be for a longer ride! We're tempted to come back again tomorrow for another. This is an Icelandic experience you won't want to miss!

  • Terry Roots

    Terry Roots


    My wife and I took a short ride here. It was midsummer's day, however no-one had told the weather, which treated us to wind, rain, and hail. Our guide, Steingrimur, had kitted us out for this, and we remained snug and warm, the weather just adding to the exhilarating ride. He was very attentive, we felt in safe hands. Our horses were kind, Stjarna (Star) for me, and Nott (Night) for my more experienced wife. Steingrimur took us along ash tracks, we were often accompanied by the birds, who nest in nearby fields. I am a beginner, but we had great instruction, and I had help where needed. Both of us managed our first tolt! Thoroughly recommended.

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