Le Bistro í Reykjavík

ÍslandLe Bistro



🕗 opnunartími

12, Laugavegur, 101, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 551 5979
website: lebistro.is
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.146063, Longitude: -21.931197

athugasemdir 5

  • Alaister Traill

    Alaister Traill


    Busy little bistro full of quirky decor and character. Food very tasty and enjoyable good selection of wines mostly French of course. Prices are typical for Reykjavik but not high end definitely worthwhile a visit

  • Joshua Herbert

    Joshua Herbert


    Food was good, not great, but good. The atmosphere was French, so a little touristy but is was still very nice. Had a fantastic wine selection and cheese platter. The staff where very helpful and nice. Everyone was bi lingual, so that made it easy. Menus where in English.

  • en

    Edison Arellano


    Amazing place. Me and my partner had such a good experience in that restaurant that we decided to go back before flying back to the UK. I would recommend the onion soup if it's still on the menu and the burger. Friendly staff and a nice decoration made it perfect. There was also a guy who was playing some music in the background and made the experience even better.

  • en

    Sandra Charnley


    I've given this 3 stars as our food just wasn't as nice as we were expecting. I had Salmon on a bed of mashed potatoes but the Salmon was over cooked and a bit chewy. I can't remember what my partner had to be honest but I remember him saying it was just ok. The decor is brilliant though. Plenty to look at. Very quirky. Service was good but not amazing.

  • Mª Vicenta Noguera Marín

    Mª Vicenta Noguera Marín


    Carta con un poco de todo. Tienen algunas cosas típicas pero no es un restaurante de comida de la isla. El precio es alto pero dentro de la media de la zona. Plato bebida y un postre a compartir y hemos salido a 30€ por cabeza

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