Luna Hotel Apartments í Reykjavík

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ÍslandLuna Hotel Apartments


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🕗 opnunartími

5, Amtmannsstígur, 101, Reykjavík, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1463016, Longitude: -21.9360601

athugasemdir 5

  • Tony Yeung

    Tony Yeung


    3 false alarm incidents during 3 nights stay, but Luna Apartment didn’t care!!! Pros:  location is great, right next to major shopping street, lots of restaurants around, pickup stops and sightseeing spots are close in distance Cons:  unit is poorly lit, carpet underneath dining table has rolled up corners, making it easy to trip. Kitchen utilities are basic, with no oil provided.  Salt and pepper were out when we arrived, no refill was made.  The phone and the big clock are both not functional. Very noisy as there is an entrance right next to one of the bedroom’s window. WORST of all, the fire alarm of the whole building went off 3 times during our stay and they are all false alarms.  2 out of 3 times were during sleeping hours (1am and 630am) and since the phone in the living room is not functional, we could not reach the Luna Apt service number without calling 112 (Reykjavik’s emergency number) using our cell phone.  Luna Apt picked up once and sent someone here after the 1st incident, he came around and promised that the alarm was disabled and that someone would come fix it first thing in the morning, but that’s not true neither.  The alarm went off again the next day while we were out on a day tour.  We came back to the apartment to pack up our gears for the Northern Lights’ tour, but unfortunately we have to deal with this false alarm issue again.  112 operator tried reaching out to Luna but with no luck, no one picked up the phone.  Somehow the alarm stopped before our departure for the tour and we thought that should be it.  NOOOOOOOO…….after we returned from our tour around 130am, we went to bed around 3am and the false alarm went off again at 630am.  We felt very frustrated as we have reported this problem to Luna Apt after the first happening by email and by phone, but they did not take this seriously.  Luna apartment tried brushing this off when we confronted them at their office by saying that someone smoked in the building and caused the alarm to go off, but we are 4 non-smokers staying in the building when the first alarm went off, not to mention that Luna didn’t send any staff here to check on all units, how do they know someone was “smoking” ??  Liar ………..We were in Iceland for vacation, and we should not need to deal with these issues, 3 times.    This reflects on how bad this apartment is being managed, tenants are pretty much on their own if there is any issue.    We value our lives and therefore we checked every time to make sure there is no real fire risk. What happens if there is a real fire and people ignore the alarm thinking that it is another false alarm?? If I can select 0 star for this review, I would.  The stay at Luna Apartment Amtmannsstigur 5 Unit #30 is definitely unpleasant.  I urged that Luna Apartment needs to seriously look into the root cause of this and fix the issue ASAP.

  • Yogo Rosas

    Yogo Rosas


    Muy céntrico

  • Matthew Taylor

    Matthew Taylor


    Fantastic location, just a 5 to 10 minute walk to the restaurants, shops and bars. A Bonus store a minute a way to stock up the fridge and cupboards. Big space, warm and cosy. Only small thing to consider, the wooden floors are easy on the eye, however sound travels around, so your neighbours will her your movements, likewise you will hear theirs, overall I'd stay again 😁

  • en

    Charlie Drabble


    Great location. Very authentic inside. Quiet in evening.Could hear a pin drop at midnight. Love that partof a vacation. Cozy. Waterfallshower. Refreshing.

  • Kathryn L

    Kathryn L


    The website shows only the best apartments I think. Ours was not as bright or up to date. Stove but no vent, so couldn't cook. Not cleaned great before we went in. Dirt under couch cushions and under couch. Liked the bedroom.

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