Nexus i Reykjavík

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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17, Nóatún, 105, Reykjavík, IS Iceland
kontakter telefon: +354 552 9011
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Latitude: 64.1427122, Longitude: -21.9024757

kommentar 5

  • Enric Cusell

    Enric Cusell


    Everything geeky you need: figures, novels, boardgames, dnd, rpg, Warhammer... Pro is that they have even the newest games and expansions. Be warned, if you are a visiting tourist the prices will scare you. Extremely expensive because of the shipping and customs costs from the games' countries of origin. About 1.5-2x Amazon price of mainland Europe.

  • Óskar Árnason

    Óskar Árnason


    Prime service and an astounding collection of boardgames!

  • Jack D

    Jack D


    Great spot for comics, RPG's, souvenirs and cosplay stuff. :D

  • Arni Odinsson

    Arni Odinsson


    I love this place. It caters to all or most avenues of nerd-, geek- or fandom out there whether it be anime, wargaming or other subculture. In addition to selling the merchandise they also have frequent seminars teaching people how to get into hobbies or to become better at them in some way.

  • Mike Wayne

    Mike Wayne


    This shop has it all. Board games, card games, books, comics, toys, movies, etc. The staff is friendly and helpful. The layout is a bit crowded but it is easy to navigate and find what you are looking for.

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