Northern Light Inn & Max's Restaurant i Grindavík

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IslandNorthern Light Inn & Max's Restaurant



🕗 åbningstider

1, Norðurljósavegur, 240, Grindavík, IS Islandia
kontakter telefon: +354 426 8650
internet side:
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Latitude: 63.8812762, Longitude: -22.4295574

kommentar 5

  • Steve Levy

    Steve Levy


    Nice lodging not far from the airport and just a 4 minute's drive to the popular Blue Lagoon hot springs. There is an observation room for nights when you can see the northern lights or the stars and also bar and fireplace lounges for other times. The restaurant has a good selection and features local fish. The breakfast buffet also has many good choices including vegan milk (oat or almond) and Violife cheeses.

  • ja

    Aki H


    ブルーラグーンにほど近いとても清潔なホテルです。 シャンプーやコンディショナーがロクシタンなのには驚かされました。 コーヒー飲み放題も有難いです。 オーロラを期待して泊まりましたが、若干 灯りが多くオーロラを見たいなら田舎のコテージの方が良いと感じました。 とても良いホテルだとは思いますが、値段が高いので星 3つとしました。

  • en

    John B


    We weren't planning on staying in Iceland on our way home, but now we are glad we stayed! The Northern Lights Inn and Max's Restaurant are wonderful places to visit when you are here. The close proximity to the Blue Lagoon is great and the shuttles run you back and forth quickly. We frequent 5-star hotels all over the world, but found this place to be one of the most quaint and magical hotels we've ever stayed at. The front desk staff welcomes you and gives you a complete tour of the property while showing you to your room. In thousands of hotel nights, we've never had this experience. In every other hotel we've stayed at, the front desk person just tells you where to go and hopes you don't get lost. We stayed in a family suite that had a king bed and twin beds on either side of it. This was a great configuration for our family of four. Max's Restaurant has a great selection of authentic Icelandic food, and the service and food quality was outstanding. We will return to Iceland again to see the Northern Lights (we didn't see them on this trip) and we will definitely plan on staying at the Northern Lights Inn.

  • Maribel Heredia

    Maribel Heredia



  • es

    Joao ferreira


    Muy buen hotel. Habitaciones grandes cómodas con vistas a las rocas volcánicas y la geotérmica. Desayuno y cena de muy buena calidad... probar su skir. Justo al lado de blue lagoon.

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