Ocean Beach Apartments i Stokkseyri

IslandOcean Beach Apartments


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Stokkseyri, Island
kontakter telefon: +354
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Latitude: 63.8338823, Longitude: -21.0382129

kommentar 5

  • EdmisLT



    The building looks ugly, but inside everything is new and tidy. Good price.

  • Vilhjálmur Feuerstein

    Vilhjálmur Feuerstein


    Very good price for the area but does have its flaws. The rooms are new and clean, and lovely and warm. However our bathroom was old and smelled heavily of fungus and rot, possibly a malfunctioning shower trap, and leaving the bathroom door open leads to the whole room stinking of rot. Not a deal breaker but the kind of thing that, with staff on-site, would be easy to sort out. A decent choice for the area but not ideal.

  • Romain WENGER

    Romain WENGER


    Superbe sejour dans leurs appartements à un prix tres correct.!

  • it

    Fabio Milanesi


    Uno dei pochi posti economici nella zona. Monolocale con bagno e cucina privati, 2 letti e tv. Pulizia ottima e attrezzature nuove

  • fr

    Laurence Pandiella


    Superbe lieu pour se reposer après une longue route. Salle de bains privative et lits confortables. On entre grâce à un code reçu par mail : super facile et pratique. Vue sur la mer.

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