Old Iceland í Reykjavík

ÍslandOld Iceland



🕗 opnunartími

72, Laugavegur, 101, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 551 6131
website: www.oldiceland.is
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1438783, Longitude: -21.9203946

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Amanda Tac


    This place was amazing! The three course tasting menu was off the charts! Every bite was delicious! Can’t wait to go back!

  • Mike Steczo

    Mike Steczo


    Had the fish tasting menu here and it ended up being one of the top tasting menus I've ever enjoyed. The service was fun and friendly. They aren't practiced in fine dining and certain little things would be off so if you are expecting that you might be puzzled why it is rated so high. I think this is just the culture in Iceland. And it didn't really matter. The chef just floored us with every single dish. Yes, it was expensive because Iceland. Yes, it was expensive because tasting menu. It was worth every penny. I would make a return trip without question. Fish soup - Spoonfuls of ecstasy. Made as a foam and was just out of the world. The lamb - Seriously... Was this really lamb or were they masquerading A5 Wagyu as lamb? I usually favor the non meat selections but this was heavenly.

  • en

    Kurt Eversole


    I cannot do justice to this restaurant with words. This is a gem. The menu is brief, but regardless off your selection, you cannot go wrong with any of the fish selections or the lamb. We had the arctic char, ling, wolf fish, cod, and lamb on three consecutive nights (may sound repetitive but you haven't eaten there yet). The presentations were attractive, the portions were good, the flavors were well developed, the food was cooked to perfection, and every bite was bliss. If you only eat there once have the brownie for dessert. It won't be like any you've had before and it won't be a let down after that fantastic fish or lamb you just had. Your second option should be the very traditional Icelandic rhubarb cake. On a less than stellar note the creme brule is like any you've ever had... but with an inexplicable scoop of strawberry sorbet on the side-- it doesn't work. Reservation are a MUST.

  • Rachel Woods

    Rachel Woods


    I ate here because it was close to my hotel and I wanted to experience some really nice, fine dining in Iceland. The food was good, but the service was less than exemplary. Considering what I was paying, I expect to be better served by more attentive staff. The atmosphere was not at all what I hoped. It certainly wasn't my favorite place to eat while I was travelling here.

  • magdalena tkaczyk

    magdalena tkaczyk


    centrum miasta ceny wysokie obsługa bardzo miła jednak stanowczo zaznaczają godziny otwarcia restauracji i swojej pracy przystawka chlebek z serkiem skyr na slono ryba cod z pure ziemniaczanym pyszna lobster najmniejszy na wyspie jaki jedliśmy deser lody z likierem i kawa nic szczególnego wierzę że można trafić lepiej

næsta Veitingahús

📑 öllum flokkum

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